The Art of Alfred Hitchcock. Fifty Years of His Motion Pictures

Donald Spoto

Title:The Art of Alfred Hitchcock. Fifty Years of His Motion Pictures
Place:New York
Publisher:Hopkinson and Blake, Publishers
Pages:xv, 523
Bibliography: no
Illustrations: yes
Related person: Alfred Hitchcock
The Art of Alfred Hitchcock. Fifty Years of His Motion Pictures

This book is cited in
John Fawell, Hitchcock's Rear Window, Carbondale and Edwardsville, 2001
John Belton (ed.), Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window, Cambridge, 2000
David Boyd (ed.), Perspectives on Hitchcock, New York, 1995
Amy Lawrence, Echo and Narcissus, Berkeley - Los Angeles - Oxford, 1991
Duane Byrge, Robert Milton Miller, The Screwball Comedy Films, Jefferson, North Carolina, and London, 1991