The Films of Steven Spielberg. Critical Essays

Charles L. P. Silet (editor)

Title:The Films of Steven Spielberg. Critical Essays
Place:Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford
Publisher:The Scarecrow Press, Inc.
Series:Filmmakers Series Nr. 94
Pages:xxviii, 285
ISBN:0-8108-4182-7 (cloth) 0-8108-4348-X (pbk.)
Bibliography: no
Illustrations: no
Related person: Steven Spielberg
The Films of Steven Spielberg. Critical Essays

Author:Jonathan Lemkin
Title:Archetypal Landscapes and Jaws
in:Charles L. P. Silet (editor), The Films of Steven Spielberg, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford, 2002
Illustrations:  no
Author:Thomas S. Frantz and Janice Hocker Rushing
Linked author:
Title:Integrating Ideology and Archetype in Rhetorical Criticism, Part II: A Case Study of Jaws
in:Charles L. P. Silet (editor), The Films of Steven Spielberg, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford, 2002
Illustrations:  no
Author:Charlene Engel
Linked author:
Title:Language and the Music of the Spheres: Steven Spielbergs Close Encounters of the Third Kind
in:Charles L. P. Silet (editor), The Films of Steven Spielberg, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford, 2002
Illustrations:  no
Author:Lane Roth
Linked author:
Title:Raiders of the Lost Archetype: The Quest and the Shadow
in:Charles L. P. Silet (editor), The Films of Steven Spielberg, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford, 2002
Illustrations:  no
Author:Ilsa J. Bick
Linked author:
Title:The Look Back in E.T.
in:Charles L. P. Silet (editor), The Films of Steven Spielberg, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford, 2002
Illustrations:  no
Author:Gerald Early
Linked author:
Title:The Color Purple as Everys Protest Art
in:Charles L. P. Silet (editor), The Films of Steven Spielberg, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford, 2002
Illustrations:  no
Author:Andrew Gordon
Linked author:
Title:Steven Spielbergs Empire of the Sun: A Boys Dream of War
in:Charles L. P. Silet (editor), The Films of Steven Spielberg, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford, 2002
Illustrations:  no
Author:Frank Gormlie
Linked author:
Title:Ballards Nightmares/Spielbergs Dreams: Empire of the Sun
in:Charles L. P. Silet (editor), The Films of Steven Spielberg, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford, 2002
Illustrations:  no
Author:H.R. Greenberg
Linked author:
Title:Raiders of the Lost Text
in:Charles L. P. Silet (editor), The Films of Steven Spielberg, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford, 2002
Illustrations:  no
Author:Patricia Pace
Linked author:
Title:Robert Bly Does Peter Pan: The Inner Child as father to the Man in Steven Spielbergs Hook
in:Charles L. P. Silet (editor), The Films of Steven Spielberg, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford, 2002
Illustrations:  no
Author:Stephen Jay Gould
Linked author:
in:Charles L. P. Silet (editor), The Films of Steven Spielberg, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford, 2002
Illustrations:  no
Author:Kirby Farrell
Linked author:
Title:The Economies of Schindlers List
in:Charles L. P. Silet (editor), The Films of Steven Spielberg, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford, 2002
Illustrations:  no
Author:Ora Gelley
Linked author:
Title:Narration and the Embodiment of Power in Schindlers List
in:Charles L. P. Silet (editor), The Films of Steven Spielberg, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford, 2002
Illustrations:  no
Author:Gary Rosen
Linked author:
Title:"Amistad" and the Abuse of History
in:Charles L. P. Silet (editor), The Films of Steven Spielberg, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford, 2002
Illustrations:  no
Author:Louis Menand
Linked author:
Title:Jerry Dont Surf
in:Charles L. P. Silet (editor), The Films of Steven Spielberg, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford, 2002
Illustrations:  no