Cross-channel perspectives. The French reception of British cinema

Leila Wimmer

Title:Cross-channel perspectives. The French reception of British cinema
Place:New York
Publisher:Peter Lang
Series:New Studies in European Cinema Nr. 8
Bibliography: yes

Publisher's Description
This book is the first ever full-length study of the reception of British cinema in post-war France, challenging François Truffaut’s infamous dismissal of British cinema as ‘a contradiction in terms’, a comment which has been, and still is, widely reproduced, yet has until now remained critically unexplored.
A historical account, the book gathers together well-known episodes (such as Cahiers du cinéma in the 1950s) and critics (André Bazin, François Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard), along with original new material, and thus throws new light on a topic which, given the influential nature of French film criticism and cinephilia, continues to be at the core of film culture.