Garfield Reference Library of the Humanities

    658.  Larry Langman
Writers on the American Screen, A Guide to Film Adaptions of American and Foreign Literary Works
New York, 1986

    744.  Larry Langman
Encyclopedia of American film Comedy
New York, 1987

    873.  Larry Langman and Ed Borg
Encyclopedia of American War Films
New York, 1989

    1164.  James Robert Parish & Michael R. Pitts
Hollywood Songsters, A Biographical Dictionary
New York & London, 1991

    1187.  Larry Langman & David Ebner
Encyclopedia of American Spy Films
New York & London, 1990

    1221.  Larry Langman, Joseph A. Molinari
The New Video Encyclopedia
New York, 1990

    1295.  James Robert Parish and Don Stanke
Hollywood Baby Boomers, A Biographical Dictionary
New York & London, 1992