Der zerbrochene Krug (1937)

The man who broke the jug, the judge, is trying a case who determine who broke the jug. Long before the evidence becomes conclusive against the suspects, it becomes apparent that the blustering and bullying - and naive - village judge is the guilty one.

Vintage magazines

Mein Film 618 1937
Mein Film 618 1937
Mein Film 618 1937

Mein Film 618 1937
Mein Film 618 1937
Filmwelt 35/36, 16. September 1942

Filmwelt 35/36, 16. September 1942

Film programs

Illustrierter Film-Kurier Wien nr. 1831

Articles on Der zerbrochene Krug

Marc Silberman, Kleist in the Third Reich, Ucicky's The Broken Jug (1937), in: Eric Rentschler, German Film & Literature, New York & London, 1986

Year: 1937
Country: Germany
Language: German
IMDb: 0029817