Madame DuBarry (1919)

The story of Madame DuBarry, the mistress of Louis XV of France, and her loves in the time of the French revolution.

Books on Madame DuBarry

Madame Dubarry
Berlin, 1992

Books with substantial mentioning of Madame DuBarry

Hans Helmut Prinzler
Licht und Schatten, Die grossen Stumm- und Tonfilme der Weimarer Republik
München; Berlin, 2012

Laurence Kardish
Weimar cinema, 1919-1933, Daydreams and nightmares
New York, NY, 2010

Günther Dahlke
Deutsche Spielfilme von dem Anfängen bis 1933, Ein Filmführer
Berlin, 1988

Books with an entry on Madame DuBarry

Robert B. Connelly
The Motion Picture Guide, Silent Film 1910-1936
Chicago, 1986

Year: 1919
Country: Germany
IMDb: 0002423