Gift of Gab (1934)

Philip Gabney, a smooth-talking radio announcer, is hired to revive a failing radio show. He quickly becomes a sensation due to his ideas. He hires a press agent and begins to believe his own hype, becoming egotistical. During a late-night drinking party, Gabney forgets to broadcast the arrival of a British flier crossing the ocean and instead fakes an interview in his studio. He is fired for this deception and becomes an alcoholic. With the help of Barbara Kelton, head of the program department, Gabney gets another chance. He risks his life by giving a live broadcast description of a plane crash during a parachute jump. This restores his national popularity and he marries Barbara on the air.

Books with substantial mentioning of Gift of Gab

Richard Bojarski
The Films of Bela Lugosi
Secaucus, NJ, 1980

Richard Bojarski and Kenneth Beals
The Films of Boris Karloff
Secaucus, NJ, 1974