Sodom und Gomorrha (1922)

When young model Mary is convinced by her mother to accept a marriage proposal from wealthy, older businessman Jackson Harber, she is hesitant. However, her mother believes this is a chance for Mary to lead a life of luxury and leisure. The engagement is celebrated with a lavish party at Harber's opulent, oriental-style estate. His son Eduard arrives from Cambridge, accompanied by a priest who is his tutor. The priest is disgusted by the excessive partying and promiscuity happening all around them. Mary's true love, sculptor Harry Lighton, tries to convince her to break off the engagement, but when she refuses, he shoots himself and is gravely injured. In a dream, Mary is transported to the Biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where she sees herself as Lot's wife and witnesses the excessive rites of the goddess Astarte. An angel arrives and leads Lot and his wife out of the city, just as it begins to collapse. Lot's wife looks back, disobeying instructions, and is turned into a pillar of salt. This dream opens Mary's eyes, and when she wakes up, she leaves the party and rushes to Harry in the hospital.

Books on Sodom und Gomorrha

Armin Loacker, Ines Steiner (hg.)
Imaginierte Antike, Österreichische Monumental-Stummfilme
Wien, 2002

Books with substantial mentioning of Sodom und Gomorrha

Tom Pendergast, Sara Pendergast (eds.)
International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, 1. Films
Detroit/New York/San Francisco/London/Boston/Woodbridge, CT, 2000

Robert K. Klepper
Silent Films, 1877-1996, A Critical Guide to 646 Movies
Jefferson, North Carolina and London, 1999

Articles with substantial mentioning of Sodom und Gomorrha

Elisabeth Büttner und Christian Dewald, Michael Kertész. Filmarbeit in Österreich bzw. bei der Sascha-Filmindustrie A.-G., Wien, 1919-1926, in: Francesco Bono - Paolo Caneppele - Günter Krenn (Hg.), Elektrische Schatten, Wien, 1999

Year: 1922
Country: Germany
IMDb: 0013619