Der Student von Prag (1913)

A poor student rescues a beautiful countess and soon becomes obsessed with her. A sorcerer makes a deal with the young man to give him fabulous wealth and anything he wants, if he will sign his name to a contract. The student hurriedly signs the contract, but doesn't know what he's in for.

Books with substantial mentioning of Der Student von Prag

Tom Pendergast, Sara Pendergast (eds.)
International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, 1. Films
Detroit/New York/San Francisco/London/Boston/Woodbridge, CT, 2000

Don G. Smith
The Poe Cinema, A Critical Filmography
Jefferson, North Carolina, and London, 1999

Günther Dahlke
Deutsche Spielfilme von dem Anfängen bis 1933, Ein Filmführer
Berlin, 1988

Articles on Der Student von Prag

Heide Schlüpmann, The first Germanart film, Rye's The Student of Prague (1913), in: Eric Rentschler, German Film & Literature, New York & London, 1986

Year: 1913
Country: Germany
IMDb: 0003419