The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946)

A man is reunited with his childhood friend and her husband, who believe he knows the truth about the death of her rich aunt years earlier.

Books with substantial mentioning of The Strange Love of Martha Ivers

Tony Thomas
The Films of Kirk Douglas
Secaucus, NJ, 1975

Books with an entry on The Strange Love of Martha Ivers

Michael F. Keaney
Film Noir Guide, 745 Films of the Classic Era, 1940-1959
Jefferson, North Carolina, and London, 2003

Articles on The Strange Love of Martha Ivers

Roy Grundmann, Taking Stock at War's End, Gender, Genre, and Hollywood Labor in The Strange Love of Martha Ivers, in: Cynthia Lucia, Roy Grundmann, and Art Simon (eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell History of American Film, Malden, MA, Oxford, Chichester, 2012

Articles with substantial mentioning of The Strange Love of Martha Ivers

Robert Porfirio, Lizabeth Scott (1922- ), in: Robert Porfirio, Alain Silver and James Ursini (eds.), Film noir reader 3, New York, 2002