Antonio Salieri believes that Mozart's music is divine. He wishes he was himself as good a musician as Mozart so that he can praise the Lord through composing. But he can't understand why God favored Mozart, such a vulgar creature, to be his instrument. Salieri's envy has made him an enemy of God whose greatness was evident in Mozart. He is set to take revenge.

Books with substantial mentioning of Amadeus

David Thomson
Have you seen?, A personal introduction to 1,000 films
New York, 2008

Jürgen Müller
Die besten Filme der 80er
Köln - London - Los Angeles - Madrid - Paris - Tokyo, 2005

Frank N. Magill (ed.)
Magill's Cinema Annual 1985, A Survey of 1984 Films
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1985
pp. 63-68 info

Articles on Amadeus

Ian Nathan, Amadeus, It's The Dark Knight vs. The Joker with more semiquavers..., in: Empire, nr. 242 (August), 2009 pp. 144-145

Thomas Baurez, Amadeus, in: Studio Ciné Live, nr. 19, 2010 pp. 116-119

Year: 1984
Country: United States
Language: English
IMDb: 0086879