Convicted (1931)

On a passenger liner bound for California, Tony Blair, a Broadway producer, is murdered, and a chain of events points to Claire Norvelle as the killer. Although Blair was unpleasant, murder is a serious offense, and Barbara is accused of the crime. Things become more complicated when another murder takes place. However, the unexpected resolution clears Barbara of the accusations and provides a surprising explanation for the two murders.

Vintage magazines

Photoplay , December 1931

Books with substantial mentioning of Convicted

James Robert Parish and Michael R. Pitts
The Great Detective Pictures
Metuchen, N.J. & London, 1990

Books with an entry on Convicted

Larry Langman and Daniel Finn
A Guide to American Crime Films of the Thirties
Westport, Connecticut - London, 1995

Year: 1931
Country: United States
Language: English
IMDb: 0021763