The Hurricane Express (1932)

The story follows a young pilot in the air transport industry whose father dies in a series of unexplained train accidents. Determined to track down and stop the culprit, known as the Wrecker, the pilot finds himself in a series of dangerous situations.

The rivalry between the L&R railroad and the air transport line adds complexity to the investigation, as the airline's head and an escaped convict are both under suspicion for the wrecks. Additionally, the pilot's love interest, who happens to be the daughter of the convict, is working undercover for the railroad manager.

As the Wrecker has the ability to take on the appearance of anyone, apprehending him proves to be difficult. Despite numerous obstacles such as railroad wrecks, an attack on an air transport carrying gold, and a devastating mine explosion, the pilot perseveres in his pursuit of the Wrecker. Ultimately, in the twelfth chapter, the identity of the Wrecker is revealed.

Books with substantial mentioning of The Hurricane Express

Fred Landesman
The John Wayne Filmography
Jefferson, North Carolina, and London, 2004

Mark Ricci, Boris Zmijewsky, Steve Zmijewsky
The Complete Films of John Wayne
New York, NY, 1995

Books with an entry on The Hurricane Express

Larry Langman and Daniel Finn
A Guide to American Crime Films of the Thirties
Westport, Connecticut - London, 1995

Year: 1932
Country: United States
Language: English
IMDb: 0023038