Murder in Trinidad (1934)

A seemingly slow-witted detective arrives in the Colony to take over the investigation of stolen Brazilian diamonds and is tangled in series of murders with a dagger, that has on its handle a snake and crescent insignia, as the weapon.

Film programs

Illustrierter Film-Kurier Wien nr. 876

Books with substantial mentioning of Murder in Trinidad

James Robert Parish and Michael R. Pitts
The Great Detective Pictures
Metuchen, N.J. & London, 1990

Books with an entry on Murder in Trinidad

Aubrey Solomon
The Fox Film Corporation, 1915-1935, A history and filmography
Jefferson, N.C., 2011

Larry Langman and Daniel Finn
A Guide to American Crime Films of the Thirties
Westport, Connecticut - London, 1995

Year: 1934
Country: US
Language: English
IMDb: 0025526