The Volga Boatman (1926)

Elinor Fair, Victor Varconi - The Volga Boatman

During the Revolution Princess Vera, though betrothed to Prince Dimitri, is attracted to the peasant Feodor.

Books with substantial mentioning of The Volga Boatman

Robert K. Klepper
Silent Films, 1877-1996, A Critical Guide to 646 Movies
Jefferson, North Carolina and London, 1999

Gene Ringgold and DeWitt Bodeen
The Films of Cecil B. De Mille
New York, 1969

Books with an entry on The Volga Boatman

Robert B. Connelly
The Motion Picture Guide, Silent Film 1910-1936
Chicago, 1986

Year: 1926
Country: United States
IMDb: 0017519