Colleen Moore, George K. Arthur - Irene

Kate Price, Colleen Moore - Irene

Irene, a feisty Irish girl in Philadelphia, clashes with her family and walks out, heading to New York City to seek fame and fortune. She gets a job as a dressmaker's model and becomes involved with Donald, the scion of a wealthy family. Donald's mother doesn't approve of Irene and sets out to discredit her in Donald's eyes.

Books with substantial mentioning of Irene

Robert K. Klepper
Silent Films, 1877-1996, A Critical Guide to 646 Movies
Jefferson, North Carolina and London, 1999

Books with an entry on Irene

Robert B. Connelly
The Motion Picture Guide, Silent Film 1910-1936
Chicago, 1986

Year: 1926
Country: United States
IMDb: 0016999