The Strangers' Banquet (1922)

In managing the shipyard inherited from her father, Derith Keogh has considerable labor problems and accedes to the unreasonable demands of John Trevelyan, an anarchist labor agitator. Derith's brother John is off in pursuit of an adventuress, and Angus Campbell, her superintendent, resigns in exasperation. Angus returns, however, to help Derith persuade Trevelyan to settle a strike, which Trevelyan accomplishes in spite of being shot by one of his own men.

Vintage magazines

Picture Play Magazine , January 1923
Picture Play Magazine , February 1923
Picture Play Magazine , April 1923

Books with an entry on The Strangers' Banquet

Robert B. Connelly
The Motion Picture Guide, Silent Film 1910-1936
Chicago, 1986