Cabin in the Sky (1943)

A compulsive gambler dies during a shooting, but he'll receive a second chance to reform himself and to make up with his worried wife.

Books with substantial mentioning of Cabin in the Sky

Sven-Ole Andersen
Goethes Faust in Hollywood, Motive der Tragödie und des Themas in Ausgewählten Filmen
Frankfurt am Main, 2013

Don Tyler
The Great Movie Musicals
Jefferson, North Carolina, and London, 2010
pp. 42-43 info

David Thomson
Have you seen?, A personal introduction to 1,000 films
New York, 2008

James Robert Parish
Ghosts and Angels in Hollywood Films, Plots, Critiques, Casts and Credits for 264 Theatrical and Made-for-Television Releases
Jefferson, North Carolina, and London, 1994

Stephen Harvey
Directed by Vincente Minnelli
New York, 1989

Books with an entry on Cabin in the Sky

S. Torriano Berry, Venise T. Berry
Historical dictionary of African American cinema
Lanham, Maryland - Toronto - Plymouth, UK, 2007

Year: 1943
Country: United States
Language: English
IMDb: 0035703