Bucktown (1975)

After being hassled by The Man in a southern town, a cool operator asks some violent friends for help. After all, if you can't trust another brother, who can you trust?

Books with substantial mentioning of Bucktown

James Robert Parish and George H. Hill
Black Action Films, Plots, Critiques, Casts and Credits for 235 Theatrical and Made-for-Television Releases
Jefferson, North Carolina, and London, 1989

Books with an entry on Bucktown

S. Torriano Berry, Venise T. Berry
Historical dictionary of African American cinema
Lanham, Maryland - Toronto - Plymouth, UK, 2007

Larry Langman and David Ebner
Hollywood's Image of the South, A Century of Southern Films
Westport, Connecticut - London, 2001

United States 1975

Directed by
Arthur Marks



Year: 1975
Country: United States
Language: English
IMDb: 0072747