Die Musterknaben (1997)

Jürgen Tarrach, Ellen ten Damme - Die Musterknaben

Oliver Korittke - Die Musterknaben

The Düsseldorf state police (LKA) are monitoring a flat in Cologne for a potential drug deal. They assign local police officers Docker and Dretzke, who are seen as losers, to the night shift in a camera-equipped camper. Docker becomes bored and starts flirting with a bartender named Wanda, boasting about their investigation. To their surprise, they hear Wanda's voice through the wiretap as she leaves a message on the answering machine in the flat they're monitoring. The officers then decide to break into the apartment to erase the message, but end up discovering information that changes their understanding of the situation.

Year: 1997
Country: Germany
Language: German
IMDb: 0130887