Desk Set (1957)

Bunny and her team of Peg, Sylvia, and Ruthie manage a reference and research department for a television network. They provide quick answers to any questions on any subject. Richard, an efficiency expert, enters their office and begins measuring the space for the installation of an electronic brain to handle some of the routine work. The girls initially have a negative reaction to this intrusion, resulting in many misunderstandings. However, the issue is ultimately resolved to the satisfaction of all parties.

Books with substantial mentioning of Desk Set

Merrill Schleier
Skyscraper cinema, Architecture and gender in American film
Minneapolis, 2009

James Robert Parish
Hollywood's Great Love Teams
New Rochelle, N.Y., 1974

Homer Dickens
The Films of Katharine Hepburn
New York, 1971

Donald Descher
The Films of Spencer Tracy
New York, 1968

Books with an entry on Desk Set

Alan G. Fetrow
Feature Films, 1950 - 1959, a United States Filmography
Jefferson, NC, 1999

Year: 1957
Country: United States
Language: English
IMDb: 0050307