Men of Boys Town (1941)

Father Flanagan is eager to meet with Dave Morris, the pawnbroker who helped establish Boys Town. There is a significant debt once more. Morris expresses his dissatisfaction with Father Flanagan's large debt and refuses to provide assistance.

Ted Martley, a disabled boy with a pessimistic outlook on life, comes to Boys Town. The affluent Maitlands visit to adopt a boy. For the first time, Ted shows affection for a dog that the Maitlands give him, and he agrees to undergo surgery. However, the Maitlands select Whitey and take him home with them. Despite all the luxuries, Whitey is unhappy. Whitey visits a reform school to see an old friend, Miles Fenley, but is denied entry. On the way back, Whitey discovers that Flip, a boy from the school, has hidden in his car to escape. Whitey agrees not to report him.

But Flip steals $200, and both boys are arrested and sent to the reform school. Due to the abuse, Miles Fenley hangs himself. Father Flanagan forces his way into the reform school, exposes the brutality that occurs there, and has Whitey and Flip released into his care.

Books with substantial mentioning of Men of Boys Town

James Robert Parish
Prison Pictures from Hollywood, Plots, Critiques, Casts and Credits for 293 Theatrical and Made-for-Television Releases
Jefferson, North Carolina, and London, 1991

Donald Descher
The Films of Spencer Tracy
New York, 1968