Mary Pickford, Albert Austin - Suds

A London laundress attempts to rise above her station in order to capture the love of a wealthy young man, thus missing out on the truer love of one of her own class.

Books with substantial mentioning of Suds

Robert K. Klepper
Silent Films, 1877-1996, A Critical Guide to 646 Movies
Jefferson, North Carolina and London, 1999

Kevin Brownlow
Mary Pickford Rediscovered, Rare Pictures of a Hollywood Legend
New York, 1999

Anthony Slide and Edward Wagenknecht
Fifty Great American Silent Films 1912-1920, A Pictorial Survey
New York, 1980

Books with an entry on Suds

Robert B. Connelly
The Motion Picture Guide, Silent Film 1910-1936
Chicago, 1986

Year: 1920
Country: United States
IMDb: 0011741