The Coward (1915)

Charles Ray, Frank Keenan - The Coward

Confederate soldier Frank Winslow is terrified of the war and eventually runs away from battle. But when he finds himself behind enemy lines with vital information, he must decide between his fear and his conscience.

Books with substantial mentioning of The Coward

Richard Dyer MacCann
The Stars Appear
Metuchen, NJ & London, 1992

Anthony Slide and Edward Wagenknecht
Fifty Great American Silent Films 1912-1920, A Pictorial Survey
New York, 1980

Books with an entry on The Coward

Larry Langman and David Ebner
Hollywood's Image of the South, A Century of Southern Films
Westport, Connecticut - London, 2001

Year: 1915
Country: United States
IMDb: 0005149