Gebroken spiegels (1984)

Lineke Rijxman, Carla Hardy, Henriëtte Tol - Gebroken spiegels

Lineke Rijxman - Gebroken spiegels

Lineke Rijxman - Gebroken spiegels

Gebroken spiegels

Broken Mirrors is primarily set in an Amsterdam brothel. Lineke Ripman and Henriette Tol play two prostitutes who start to rebel against their lives. Their story is contrasted with a subplot involving a housewife, Edda Barends, who is kidnapped by one of the brothel's customers. As Barends starves to death, her captor takes photographs of her last days on earth. Her death is somehow meant to be as much of a "liberation" as Ripman and Tol's decision to stop working as prostitutes. Throughout the film, the male characters are portrayed as murderers, both literally and figuratively.

Books with substantial mentioning of Gebroken spiegels

Rommy Albers, Jan Baeke, Rob Zeeman (red)
Film in Nederland
Amsterdam/Gent, 2004

Henk van Gelder
Hollands Hollywood
Amsterdam, 1995