Serial (1980)

It's the end of the 1970s. Hippies are assimilating, women are raising their consciousness, and men are becoming confused and ineffectual. Don't expect to be able to keep track of all the names, or who's sleeping with whom. This movie very skillfully conveys the hopeless muddle through which the many characters move as they try to find themselves.

Books with substantial mentioning of Serial

Tom Johnson
The Christopher Lee Filmography, All Theatrical Releases, 1948-2003
Jefferson, N.C, 2004

Robert W. Pohle Jr. and Douglas C. Hart, with the participation of Christopher Lee
The Films of Christopher Lee
Metuchen, N.J. & London, 1983


Pat Anderson, Serial, in: Films in Review, vol. 31, 1980 pp. 309-310

United States 1980

Directed by
Bill Persky

Buddy Hart


Year: 1980
Country: United States
Language: English
IMDb: 0081485