Village of the Damned (1960)

Martin Stephens - Village of the Damned

Village of the Damned

Village of the Damned

Village of the Damned

On a seemingly ordinary day in the peaceful country village of Midwich, all living things suddenly collapse as if overcome by exhaustion, only to revive after an hour. Two months later, all the women in the village are pregnant and give birth on the same day. Gordon Zellaby, the village's most educated man, becomes suspicious when his wife Anthea gives birth to a child that does not resemble either of them. As the years pass, the children - all with the same blond hair and intense eyes - form a cult and use their telepathic powers to eliminate anyone they perceive as a threat. The "normal" villagers come to realize that their children are the result of fertilized eggs from an extraterrestrial force that is attempting to infiltrate and conquer Earth.

Books with substantial mentioning of Village of the Damned

Douglas Brode
Lost Films of the Fifties
Secaucus, New Jersey, 1988

Books with an entry on Village of the Damned

Ivan Butler
Cinema in Britain, An illustrated Survey
South Brunswick and New York - London, 1973

Village of the Damned
United Kingdom 1960

Directed by
Wolf Rilla



Year: 1960
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
IMDb: 0054443