Calamity Jane (1953)

Doris Day, Howard Keel - Calamity Jane

Calamity Jane

Cheerful, lightly entertaining musical Western with Doris Day putting a tremendous amount of physical and vocal energy into the role of that famous straight-shooting female, who in this case is concerned with persuading Allyn McLerie to sing in Deadwood and then equally anxious she shall sing anywhere but Deadwood when the singer falls in love with Jane's most favoured beau, Philip Carey. Luckily for everyone's happiness there's always handsome Wild Bill Howard Keel Hickok. 1

Books with substantial mentioning of Calamity Jane

Don Tyler
The Great Movie Musicals
Jefferson, North Carolina, and London, 2010

Herb Fagen
The encyclopedia of westerns
New York, 2003

Christopher Young
The Films of Doris Day
Secaucus, N.J., 1977

Books with an entry on Calamity Jane

Alan G. Fetrow
Feature Films, 1950 - 1959, a United States Filmography
Jefferson, NC, 1999