Shi mian mai fu (2004)

Books with substantial mentioning of Shi mian mai fu

Hilary White (ed.), Jim Craddock and Michael J. Tyrkus, contributing editors
Magill's Cinema Annual 2005, 24th Edition. A Survey of the Films of 2004
Detroit, New York, San Francisco, San Diego, New Haven, Conn., Waterville, Maine, London, Munich, 2005

Articles on Shi mian mai fu

Adam Smith, Cultural revolution, in: Empire, nr. 187, 2005 pp. 144-146


Dan Jolin, House of Flying Daggers, in: Empire, nr. 187, 2005 pp. 33

Shi mian mai fu
China / Hong Kong 2004

Directed by



Year: 2004
Country: China
Hong Kong
Language: Mandarin
IMDb: 0385004