The Unchastened Woman (1925)

When Caroline Knollys goes to tell her husband Husband they they are expecting, she finds him in the arms of another woman. She leaves him, not telling him of her pregnancy, and runs off to Europe where she has the baby and becomes the toast of European society. Then she returns to settle with her husband once and for all.

Books with substantial mentioning of The Unchastened Woman

Robert K. Klepper
Silent Films, 1877-1996, A Critical Guide to 646 Movies
Jefferson, North Carolina and London, 1999

Jerry Vermilye
The Films of the Twenties
Secaucus, NJ, 1985

Books with an entry on The Unchastened Woman

Robert B. Connelly
The Motion Picture Guide, Silent Film 1910-1936
Chicago, 1986

The Unchastened Woman
United States 1925

Directed by
James Young



Year: 1925
Country: United States
IMDb: 0016469