The Seventh Veil (1945)

British tearjerker about a young woman (Ann Todd) who runs away from home to become a famous concert pianist and finds that her personal life with several different men is distinctly less successful.

Books with substantial mentioning of The Seventh Veil

Johanna Laitila
Melodrama, self and nation in post-war British popular film
New York, 2018

Geoff Mayer and Brian McDonnell
Encyclopedia of Film Noir
Westport, Connecticut/London, 2007

Jerry Vermilye
The Great British Films
Secaucus, N.J., 1978

Clive Hirschhorn
The Films of James Mason
London, 1975

Books with an entry on The Seventh Veil

Ivan Butler
Cinema in Britain, An illustrated Survey
South Brunswick and New York - London, 1973

Year: 1945
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
IMDb: 0038924