La Marseillaise (1938)

Lise Delamare - La Marseillaise

Lise Delamare - La Marseillaise

Lise Delamare - La Marseillaise

Pierre Renoir - La Marseillaise

La Marseillaise

A news-reel like movie about early part of the French Revolution, shown from the eyes of individual people, citizens of Marseille, counts in German exile and, of course the king Louis XVI, showing their own small problems.

Books with substantial mentioning of La Marseillaise

David Thomson
Have you seen?, A personal introduction to 1,000 films
New York, 2008

Jean-Pierre Frimbois
Les 100 chefs-d'oeuvre du film historique
Alleur (Belgique), 1989

Articles on La Marseillaise

Leger Grindon, History and the Historians in La Marseillaise, in: Film History, vol. 4, 1990 pp. 227-235

Year: 1938
Country: France
Language: French
IMDb: 0030424