Man on a Ledge (2012)

An ex-cop turned con threatens to jump to his death from a Manhattan hotel rooftop. The nearest New York Police officer immediately responds to a screaming woman and calls dispatch. More Officers arrive with SWAT and tactical command along with fire-fighters. The police then dispatches a female police psychologist personally requested to talk him down from the ledge. However, things aren't as straightforward and clearcut as they appear to be.


Samuel Wigley, Man on a Ledge, in: Sight & Sound, nr. 2 (February), 2012 pp. 71-72

Kim Newman, Man on a Ledge, in: Empire, nr. 273 (March), 2012 pp. 50

Sascha Westphal, Ein riskanter Plan, in: epd Film, nr. 1, 2012 pp. 50

Sascha Koebner, Ein riskanter Plan, in: Filmdienst, nr. 2 (19. Januar), 2012 pp. 48-49

Year: 2012
Country: United States
Language: English
IMDb: 1568338