The Dragnet (1928)

Tough von Sternberg gangster film about a dedicated cop who goes on a binge after being led to believe he accidentally killed his partner in a shoot-out with Powell's gang. The frame-up, however, is revealed to him by Powell's moll - a girl to whom he is attracted. This sobers him enough to clean up the gang and marry the girl who is wounded in the battle.

Vintage magazines

Photoplay , July 1928
Photoplay , March 1929

Books with an entry on The Dragnet

Ken Wlaschin
Silent mystery and detective movies, A comprehensive filmography
Jefferson, N.C., 2009

Robert B. Connelly
The Motion Picture Guide, Silent Film 1910-1936
Chicago, 1986
p. 67 info

Year: 1928
Country: United States
IMDb: 0018849