Song of Love (1929)

Ralph Graves, Eve Arden, Arthur Housman - Song of Love

Belle Baker makes the most successful debut in talkies of any vaudevillian to date. The comedienne triumphs over the moth-eaten plot of the singer and the drunken husband who are brought together again by the little cheeild. And that's a feat! Ralph Graves keeps up his good work, and little. David Durand is only occasionally too cute. Belle sings not-so-hot songs.

Photoplay February 1930

Vintage magazines

Photoplay , February 1930
Photoplay , February 1930

Books with substantial mentioning of Song of Love

Edwin M. Bradley
The first Hollywood musicals, A critical filmography of 171 features, 1927 through 1932
Jefferson, N.C., 1996
p. 66 info

Year: 1929
Country: United States
IMDb: 0020434