Ghost Story (1981)

Two generations of men find themselves haunted by the presence of a spectral woman. When the son of one of the elderly men returns to his hometown after his brother's mysterious death, they attempt to unravel her story.

Books with substantial mentioning of Ghost Story

James Robert Parish
Ghosts and Angels in Hollywood Films, Plots, Critiques, Casts and Credits for 264 Theatrical and Made-for-Television Releases
Jefferson, North Carolina, and London, 1994

Frank N. Magill (ed.)
Magill's Cinema Annual 1982, A Survey of 1981 Films
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1982


W.K. Everson, Ghost Story, in: Films in Review, vol. 33, 1982 pp. 240-241

Year: 1981
Country: United States
Language: English
IMDb: 0082449