Oranje Hein (1936)

There is trouble brewing in the Jordaan when Ant wants to divorce Thijs and their daughter Mientje is dating a posh boy called Herman. Meanwhile Ant's parents are about to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary, but their youngest daughter Fien is more interested in pursuing a handsome cabaret singer.

Books with substantial mentioning of Oranje Hein

Rommy Albers, Jan Baeke, Rob Zeeman (red)
Film in Nederland
Amsterdam/Gent, 2004

Henk van Gelder
Hollands Hollywood
Amsterdam, 1995

Kathinka Dittrich van Weringh
Der niederländische Spielfilm der dreißiger Jahre und die deutsche Filmemigration
Amsterdam, 1987

Year: 1936
Country: Netherlands
IMDb: 0028067