Die Halbstarken (1956)

"Think of a law, they've broken it. Think of a crime, they've committed it." A tense, tough story of teenage gangs committing acts of robbery, violence, and murder. The leader of the gang finds himself torn between his own brother and his sleazyu, (but very good looking) girlfriend.

Film programs

Illustrierte Film Bühne nr. 3435

Books with substantial mentioning of Die Halbstarken

Susan Ingram (ed.)
World Film Locations, Berlin
Bristol; Chicago, 2012

Uta Berg-Ganschow (herausgeber)
Berlin. Aussen und innen, 53 Filme aus 90 Jahren
Berlin, 1984

Christa Bandmann / Joe Hembus
Klassiker des Deutschen Tonfilms, 1930-1960
München, 1980

Year: 1956
Country: West Germany
Language: German
IMDb: 0049288