Der Untertan (1951)

Diederich Heßling is plagued by fear and insecurity. But as he matures, he realizes that in order to attain power, he must align himself with those in positions of authority. His philosophy becomes: bow down to those above and crush those below. He applies this approach in all aspects of his life, first as a member of a dueling student fraternity, then as a successful businessman in a paper factory. He ingratiates himself with the portly District Administrative President Von Wulkow, discredits his financial competitors, and conspires with the town's social democrats. On his honeymoon with his wealthy spouse Guste, he sees an opportunity to serve his beloved Kaiser. When a memorial honoring the Kaiser is unveiled in the town where Diederich resides, he gives the keynote address, standing in the rain and saluting the Kaiser. The audience dispersed, leaving everything in shambles.

Books with substantial mentioning of Der Untertan

Jürgen Müller (ed.)
Movies of the 50s
Köln, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Paris, Tokyo, 2005

Egon Netenjakob u.a.
Berlin, 1991

Christa Bandmann / Joe Hembus
Klassiker des Deutschen Tonfilms, 1930-1960
München, 1980

Eva Orbanz (Redaktion)
Wolfgang Staudte
Berlin, 1977

Articles on Der Untertan

Marc Silberman, Semper fidelis, Staute's The Subject (1951), in: Eric Rentschler, German Film & Literature, New York & London, 1986