Out of Africa (1985)

Karen Blixen, a Danish woman, marries a friend for the title of Baroness and they move to Africa and start a coffee plantation. Things unfold when her husband begins cheating on her and is away on business often, so she's at home alone, working on the farm and bonding with two men she met in her first day in Africa. She eventually falls in love with the one, Denys Finch-Hatton and goes on safari and whatnot with him. Later, she begins to want more from him than the simple friendship/relationship they have and pushes marriage, but Denys still wants his freedom. By the end, she's gained a much better understanding and respect for the African culture than when she came.

Books with substantial mentioning of Out of Africa

David Thomson
Have you seen?, A personal introduction to 1,000 films
New York, 2008

Jürgen Müller
Die besten Filme der 80er
Köln - London - Los Angeles - Madrid - Paris - Tokyo, 2005

Peter W. Engelmeier (ed.)
Icons of film, The 20th century
Munich; New York, 2000

Al Clark (editor)
The Film Yearbook 1997
New York, 1987

Frank N. Magill (ed.)
Magill's Cinema Annual 1986, A Survey of the Films of 1985
Pasadena, California; Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1986

Year: 1985
Country: United States
Language: English
IMDb: 0089755