Op stap (1935)

Fien de la Mar - Op stap

Janus Fortuin is a goodhearted piano tuner who has accepted that he will never amount to anything more. But he still hopes his daughters fiancé George will be more successful as a songwriter. When rich uncle Barend from Batavia makes a surprise visit, he immediately realizes that Janus' wife is a greedy landlady and pretends to be a lodger called 'Van Santen'.

Books with substantial mentioning of Op stap

Henk van Gelder
Hollands Hollywood
Amsterdam, 1995

Kathinka Dittrich van Weringh
Der niederländische Spielfilm der dreißiger Jahre und die deutsche Filmemigration
Amsterdam, 1987

Op stap
Netherlands 1935

Directed by

Walter Smith
Josephine van Gasteren


Year: 1935
Country: Netherlands
Language: Dutch
IMDb: 0026826