Hitler - ein Film aus Deutschland (1977)

Director Hans-Jurgen Syberberg examines the rise and fall of the Third Reich in this brooding seven-hour masterpiece, which incorporates puppetry, rear-screen projection, and a Wagnerian score into a singular epic vision. Syberberg, who grew up under Nazi tyranny, ruminates on good and evil and the rest of humanity's complicity in the horrors of the holocaust.

Books with substantial mentioning of Hitler - ein Film aus Deutschland

David Thomson
Have you seen?, A personal introduction to 1,000 films
New York, 2008

Charles P. Mitchell
The Hitler Filmography, Worldwide Feature Film and Television Miniseries Portrayals, 1940 Through 2000
Jefferson, North Carolina, and London, 2002

Tom Pendergast, Sara Pendergast (eds.)
International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, 1. Films
Detroit/New York/San Francisco/London/Boston/Woodbridge, CT, 2000

Robert Fischer/Joe Hembus
Der Neue Deutsche Film, 1960-1980
München, 1981


Jeffrey Wells, Our Hitler, A Film From Germany, in: Films in Review, vol. 31, 1980 pp. 176-177

Hitler - ein Film aus Deutschland
West Germany / France / United Kingdom 1977

Directed by



Year: 1977
Country: West Germany
United Kingdom
Language: German
IMDb: 0076147