Ernest Borgnine - Marty

Marty, a butcher who lives in the Bronx with his mother is unmarried at 34. Good-natured but socially awkward he faces constant badgering from family and friends to get married but has reluctantly resigned himself to bachelorhood. Marty meets Clara, an unattractive school teacher, realising their emotional connection, he promises to call but family and friends try to convince him not to.

Film programs

Illustrierte Film Bühne nr. 2875
Progress Filmillustrierte/Filmprogramm nr. 100/57

Books with substantial mentioning of Marty

Jürgen Müller (ed.)
Movies of the 50s
Köln, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Paris, Tokyo, 2005

Alan G. Fetrow
Feature Films, 1950 - 1959, a United States Filmography
Jefferson, NC, 1999

Douglas Brode
The Films of the Fifties
Secaucus, NJ, 1976

Year: 1955
Country: United States
Language: English
IMDb: 0048356