The city of Detroit is facing financial and social ruin due to street crime and economic collapse. City politicians have given up on maintaining law and order and have instead contracted with the mega-corporation Omni Consumer Products to handle the problem. However, when Omni's chairman decides to demolish the crumbling downtown and build a new city of the future, a conflict arises. Some of Omni's executives propose using robots or cyborgs to deal with the urban population, leading to the creation of RoboCop when a police officer is injured in the line of duty and becomes the subject of an experimental operation.

Books with substantial mentioning of RoboCop

Jürgen Müller
Die besten Filme der 80er
Köln - London - Los Angeles - Madrid - Paris - Tokyo, 2005

James Robert Parish
The Great Cop Pictures
Metuchen, N.J., & London, 1990

Frank N. Magill (ed.)
Magill's Cinema Annual 1988, A Survey of the Films of 1987
Pasadena, California; Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1988

Articles on RoboCop

Adam Smith, Triple Dutch, in: Empire, nr. 278 (August), 2012 pp. 98-113