The Wings of Eagles (1957)

Spig Wead cannot unite his personal life as husband and father and his profession of career naval officer: he chooses the military. In spite of a crippling accident, he becomes a successful military man and playwright, but after a heart attack at sea during World War II, he thinks only of his wife and their lost life together. 2

Film programs

Illustrierte Film Bühne nr. 3919
Neues Film-Programm nr. 706

Books with substantial mentioning of The Wings of Eagles

Fred Landesman
The John Wayne Filmography
Jefferson, North Carolina, and London, 2004

Mark Ricci, Boris Zmijewsky, Steve Zmijewsky
The Complete Films of John Wayne
New York, NY, 1995

Tag Gallagher
John Ford: The Man and His Films
Berkeley-Los Angeles-London, 1986

J.A. Place
The Non-Western Films of John Ford
Secaucus, NJ, 1979