Acht Mädels im Boot (1932)

Eight young girls stick close together as a rowing team. One of them, Christa, suddenly behaves strangely. She is expecting a child and is recommended by her doctor to have it aborted. But she refuses to have it done. Fearing her father, she flees to her sports mates. There she collapses.

Books with substantial mentioning of Acht Mädels im Boot

Karlheinz Wendtland
Geliebter Kintopp, Sämtliche deutsche Spielfilme von 1929-1945 mit zahlreichen Künstlerbiographien - Jahrgang 1932
Berlin, 1990

Books with an entry on Acht Mädels im Boot

Alfred Bauer
Deutscher Spielfilm Almanach, 1929-1950
Berlin, 1950

Year: 1932
Country: Germany
Language: German
IMDb: 0022608