A beautiful but naïve aspiring television personality films a documentary on teenagers with a darker ulterior motive.

Books with substantial mentioning of To Die For

David Thomson
Have you seen?, A personal introduction to 1,000 films
New York, 2008

Beth A. Fhaner and Christopher P. Scanlon (eds.)
Magill's Cinema Annual 1996, 15th Edition. A Survey of the Films of 1995
Detroit; New York; Toronto; London, 1996

Articles on To Die For

Sarah Towers, Joaquin Phoenix, in: Premiere (UK), nr. 34 (November), 1995 pp. 30-31


Ryan Gilbey, To Die For, in: Premiere (UK), nr. 34 (November), 1995 pp. 8-9

Year: 1995
Country: United Kingdom
United States
Language: English
IMDb: 0114681