Rocky 2 (1979)

Rocky struggles in family life after his bout with Apollo Creed, while the embarrassed champ insistently goads him to accept a challenge for a rematch.

Books with substantial mentioning of Rocky 2

Frederick V. Romano
The Boxing Filmography, American Features, 1920-2003
Jefferson, North Carolina and London, 2004

James Robert Parish and George H. Hill
Black Action Films, Plots, Critiques, Casts and Credits for 235 Theatrical and Made-for-Television Releases
Jefferson, North Carolina, and London, 1989

Robert Bookbinder
The Films of the Seventies
Secaucus, NJ, 1982


Rob Edelman, Rocky II, in: Films in Review, vol. 30, 1979 pp. 436-437

Year: 1979
Country: United States
Language: English
IMDb: 0079817