Claude Gillingwater (1870 - 1939)

American stage and screen actor.

* August 2, 1870 Louisiana, Missouri, USA
 as Claude Benton Gillingwater
 November 1, 1939 Beverly Hills, California, USA

Books with an entry on Claude Gillingwater

James Robert Parish with Earl Anderson, Richard E. Braff, John Robert Cocchi, and Harry Purvis
Hollywood Character Actors
New Rochelle, New York, 1978

Ken D. Jones, Arthur F. McClure, Alfred E. Twomey Character People Ken D. Jones, Arthur F. McClure, Alfred E. Twomey
Character People, The Stalwarts of the Cinema
South Brunswick and New York - London, 1976

Martin J. Quigley (ed.) The Motion Picture Almanac Martin J. Quigley (ed.)
The Motion Picture Almanac, Big Stars in Big Pictures
Chicago, Ill., 1929

Charles Donald Fox Mirrors of Hollywood Charles Donald Fox
Mirrors of Hollywood, with brief biographies of favorite film folk
New York, 1925

Books with photograph(s) of Claude Gillingwater

John Richard Finch and Paul Elby Close-Ups John Richard Finch and Paul Elby
Close-Ups, From the Golden Age of the Silent Cinema
South Brunswick and New York - London, 1978