Josephine Baker (1906 - 1975)

American-born French dancer, singer, and actress.

* June 3, 1906 St. Louis, Missouri, USA
 as Freda Josephine McDonald
 April 12, 1975 Paris, France

Books on Josephine Baker

Hannah Durkin Josephine Baker and Katherine Dunham Hannah Durkin
Josephine Baker and Katherine Dunham, Dances in literature and cinema
Urbana, 2019

Bennetta Jules-Rosette Josephine Baker in Art and Life Bennetta Jules-Rosette
Josephine Baker in Art and Life, The icon and the image

Wolfgang Leppmann Die Roaring Twenties Wolfgang Leppmann
Die Roaring Twenties, Amerikas wilde Jahre
München - Leipzig, 1992

Books with substantial mentioning of Josephine Baker

Adrian Stahlecker
Film en kunst in ballingschap 1933-1945, Duitse artiesten en kunstenaars op de vlucht voor het naziregime
Den Haag, 2000

Books with an entry on Josephine Baker

S. Torriano Berry, Venise T. Berry
Historical dictionary of African American cinema
Lanham, Maryland - Toronto - Plymouth, UK, 2007

Denise Lowe An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Women in Early American Films, 1895 - 1930 Denise Lowe
An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Women in Early American Films, 1895 - 1930
New York, London, Oxford, 2005

Anthony Slide (ed.) Selected Vaudeville Criticism Anthony Slide (ed.)
Selected Vaudeville Criticism
Metuchen, N.J., & London, 1988

Stanley Appelbaum and James Camner (editors) Stars of the American Musical Theater in Historic Photographs Stanley Appelbaum and James Camner (editors)
Stars of the American Musical Theater in Historic Photographs, 361 Portraits from the 1860s to 1950
New York, 1981

Books with photograph(s) of Josephine Baker

Mary Dawn Earley
Stars of the Twenties, Observed by James Abbe
New York, 1975

Articles on Josephine Baker

Ylva Habel, To Stockholm, with Love: The Critical Reception of Josephine Baker, 1927-35, in: Film History, vol. 17, 2005 pp. 125-138


A Son of Satan

Wege zu Kraft und Schönheit - Ein Film über moderne Körperkultur

Revue des revues, La

Princesse Tam-Tam

An jedem Finger zehn


Burlesque Undressed

Germaine Damar - Der tanzende Stern

IMDb: 0001927
VIAF: 41836198